The Man in Black – Joseph Spencer
Joseph exposes the deep state plan to depopulate the world.... Read more.
Mocking Bird Media “Those Who Tell Stories Rule Society” – VIDEO
“He who tells the stories rules society” Plato... Read more.
Effective Communication – Based on Nonviolent Communication by M. Rosenberg
Based on Nonviolent Communication by M. Rosenberg What others say or do may be the stimulus for our feelings, but is not the cause of our feelings. Our feelings... Read more.
What Fear Does To Your Brain — And How To Stop It
According to neuroscience, fear is killing us. From our televisions to our political conversations, we are inundated with messages of fear. We feel more afraid of... Read more.
10 Promising Signs That The Insidious Mind-Control-Matrix The Elite Have Created Is Starting To Crumble
Are we witnessing the start of some sort of a mass awakening in the western world? For years, I have been writing about the extremely complex systems that are... Read more.
Self-destruction is Your Patriotic Duty
As a watcher of the matrix for close to two decades, the deeper intent of the non-stop media fear/stupidity/conformity blitz and the attack on the individual is... Read more.
5 Psychological Experiments That Explain The Modern World
The world is a confusing place. People do things that don’t make any sense, think things that aren’t supported by facts, endure things they do not need to endure,... Read more.
The War of Inversion: An All-Out Assault Against Humanity
by Jesse Smith | Truth Unmuted There’s a war going on that no one is safe from. It’s a War of Inversion and an all-out assault against humanity. It’s multipronged,... Read more.